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Additional Services Overview

Content Marketing


  • Content Marketing Audit

  • Content Marketing Strategy

  • Content Marketing Planning

  • Content Marketing Creation and Implementation

  • Content Marketing Measurement and Performance Optimization


Search Engine Optimization


  • SEO Management

  • SEO Consulting Services

  • SEO Copyrighting

  • Link Building

  • SEO Audit

  • SEO Website Migration


Social Media Marketing


  • Social Media Strategy 

  • Social Listening & Real-Time Monitoring Services

  • Social Contest Development & Deployment

  • Campaign Amplification Services

  • Content Development & Distribution

  • Social Media Measurement & Optimization


Influencer Marketing


  • Integrated Influencer Marketing Strategy

  • Content Development with Leading Industry Influencers

  • Influencer Identification, Recruiting & Outreach

  • Full Influencer Marketing Program Implementation

  • Influencer Content Amplification


Digital Advertising


Digital Advertising and Paid Search Capabilities


  • Search Advertising

  • Shopping Advertising

  • Sponsorship Advertising

  • Display Advertising

  • Native Advertising

  • Remarketing/Retargeting


Digital Advertising Placement Opportunities


  • Google Networks

  • Bing and Yahoo! Networks

  • LinkedIn

  • Twitter

  • Facebook

  • YouTube

  • Pinterest

  • Site Specific Sponsorships

  • Syndication/Exchanges


Paid Search Program Components

  • PPC Consulting & Assessments

  • SEM Competitive Analysis

  • Bid Optimization

  • Paid Campaign Build-Outs

  • Ad Creative Optimization

  • Landing Page Optimization

  • Ad Copy Testing

  • Keyword Expansion for Paid Terms


Conversion Rate Optimization Services


While driving website traffic is essential, your ultimate goal is converting as many visitors as possible. Conversions — micro or macro — are what lead to sales and more revenue. And that’s where conversion rate optimization (CRO) services can lend a helping hand.

With the help of several tools and the creation of different testing environments, our CRO experts analyze your website audience through both qualitative and quantitative lenses.


In the end, we’ll provide or help you implement tailored recommendations for increasing:


  • Macro-conversions (i.e. direct sales or contacts)

  • Micro-conversions (i.e. email signups or products added to a cart)

  • Engagement metrics (i.e. average time on page and scroll depth)

  • Website usability on desktop and mobile layouts


Website Analytics


  • Personalized Data Dashboards

  • Data Visualisation

  • Conversion Tracking

  • Monthly Reporting

  • Analytics Implementation Consulting

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